User History
The User History feature provides a history of user activity in both modules and reports. This feature provides the most expedient method to gain quick access to history from the perspective of the user. To view history from the perspective of a record, rather than a specific user, use the Record History Feature.
User History can be filtered to find records by user, data type (module), or specified date range.
The system retains a history of 500,000 record changes by default, but you can increase this ceiling using the Audit History Retention preferences.
Access user history:
Select Tools > Members > Member History from the Main Menu.
The Member History window opens.
Use the filters to select the type of user records you want to view.
To filter results to a particular user, select the desired user from the User field.
You can also view history for all users by selecting All Users from the User field.
To filter the history to a specific type of record, select the desired type from the History field.
In addition to the modules, an option is available to view history for Reports.
To filter results to a specific time period other than the last 30 days:
Enter the desired dates in the Start / End date fields.
Click the Calendar button
to the right of the date field to open a calendar that you can select a date from.
Click the Refresh button below the date fields.
The list refreshes, displaying only history that responds to your criteria.
The history displays in reverse chronological order. If there are more records than can fit in the box, use the page controls at the bottom of the list to access additional records.
To view the details of a particular record, click the record.
The details associated with this record display in the box at the bottom of the window, listing all incidents in which this record was viewed or changed by the specified user.
Click Close.
The Member History window closes.